Work With Me

Smart Science

Bold Wellness

Beyond The Norm

Health is like a puzzle—a million pieces that fit together to make a whole. It can be overwhelming trying to put the pieces together to get that complete picture.

At Wellness Warrior Institute, we help you assemble your health puzzle seamlessly, guiding you to see the complete picture without the overwhelm.

The Answer Starts With You

While we're here to help solve your health puzzle, we believe that the key to your health and vitality lies within you—your mindset, your habits, and your commitment to self-care.

Commanding your health takes a bit of a warrior mindset, especially as a busy female entrepreneur juggling countless roles and responsibilities.

We’ll empower you to unlock your full potential through personalized, science-based health solutions that go beyond conventional medicine.

Discover Your Unique Path to Wellness

Every individual is unique, and so is their health journey.

We start by understanding your specific needs, goals, and challenges.

Through comprehensive assessments and cutting-edge functional lab tests (when needed), we uncover the root causes of your health issues and design a plan tailored just for you.

Smart Science, Bold Wellness: Beyond The Norm

With your commitment, your determination, and your willingness to take the first step, together, we can break through the barriers of conventional medicine and unlock a future of vibrant health and wellness.

Ready to join me on this transformative journey?

Let’s turn your health dreams into a vibrant, thriving reality!

The Wellness Warrior’s Path to Health Revival


Our group programs are an ideal starting point if you’re just beginning this journey. We are constantly adding exciting things to these programs.

Below are some of the core components:

  • Foundational education around a wide range of topics from A-Z.

  • 3-4 Group Coaching Programs throughout the year focused on a specific topic.

  • Access to monthly, Revive & Thrive: Q&A with a Twist! sessions. This is your opportunity to connect directly + consistently with a trusted practitioner. 

  • Find Your People & Be Nurtured by A Like-Minded Community: Connect with a supportive group of people on a healing journey just like you. Find encouragement and a sense of belonging that grounds you and allows you to move forward to complete healing.

  • Easy-To-Implement, Life-Changing Practical Health Tips: 24/7 access, including recordings, supplement recommendations, guides and protocols.


A Private program may be best for you if you’d like customized, 1:1 support. 

  • You receive everything in the Membership, plus:

  • Personalized, 1:1 consultations focused on your unique needs, goals and desires as it relates to your health. These are private calls between you and Pam.

  • Customized Wellness Plan: Through comprehensive assessments and cutting-edge functional lab tests (when needed), we’ll uncover the root causes of your health issues and design a plan tailored just for you for your health revival.

  • Get step-by-step support and accountability through regular check-ins, results-focused coaching, and personalized plan adjustments—so you have the support you need, every turn of the way.

  • Exclusive discounts on lab tests, supplements & other resources.  You’ll receive unique pricing available only to you as a private client.


Experience Wellness Like Never Before with Our VIP Experience!

Our VIP experience is truly one-of-a-kind.

  • As a VIP, you’ll receive everything in the Group + Private programs, plus: 

  • An all-inclusive functional medicine experience that includes all necessary labs needed in order to achieve your fully and permanently restored health.

  • Concierge Level Service that include high-touch interactions with Pam via Voxer, Monday-Friday for all your health-related needs. You’ll have access to more frequent accountability calls to ensure maximum success.

  • Options for a family plan.

  • Opportunities for additional support in the form of exclusive trainings, events and education opportunities.

Results You Can Hang Your Hat On!

Then, I hit a point where I just couldn't live that way anymore. Missing out on everything in life."

“You should find a new doctor, friends and family would say when I consistently cancelled plans being too sick to do anything.

Doctor after doctor for 10 years, “your fine, it’s probably depression”.

While bedbound, these are just a few of the things said to me over the years, many which came from the medical community and from people I loved.

All from people who didn’t have a clue what it was like to be in my shoes. Then, I hit a point where I just couldn’t live that way anymore.

Missing out on everything in life. I told the Universe, one week – either I get answers to getting well on this earth, or I get well by being off this earth.

Then I found this program. Not only did I get the answers I needed, I got the support I needed to start my journey of healing, from someone who’d been through what I was going through.

It truly feels like a miracle. Over a decade of chronic pain and suffering…gone.

Too many conditions to mention, healed. Through all this, I now have the knowledge and tools to take charge of my own health. I am eternally grateful.
— Emily G.

I was exhausted, in pain, and for the first time in my life, I lost all passion for living.

I spent New Year’s Eve alone in bed, crying through movies, while my family went out.

By April, the idea of just being around others felt overwhelmingly exhausting."

The situation escalated to a point where my business suffered significant setbacks.

A division was shut down, team members were laid off, and financial reserves were depleted.

The financial strain was such that I even considered borrowing money from the children's savings just to pay their staff.

Amidst this turmoil, my credit score plummeted —a stark indicator of the crisis.

“It was the wakeup call I needed," though. "It forced me to make significant changes in my life and business that I wouldn’t have considered otherwise."

Like paying attention to my health!

I couldn’t have done this without Wellness Warrior Institute. They recognized my symptoms and confirmed through testing, that I had adrenal fatigue. The complexity of this condition is overwhelming but they developed a customized plan for me and supported me through implementing the plan.

I am so thankful! I’m back working and crushing it.

Veronica S.

This program is comprehensive, there’s a lot involved. Pam does a great job of breaking it down into manageable steps. If you’re willing to commit to it, it’ll change your life. I’ll never go back to mistreating my body and having a miserable existence.

When I started, I just wanted to heal my painful, unsightly bloating/swelling in various parts of my body.

I was doubtful and not sure I really needed a comprehensive program like this, but I was willing to do anything to heal.

So, I rolled the dice one more time.

Never did I imagine I’d heal my bloating/swelling.

I did along with so many other symptoms, like depression, anxiety, hair loss, brain fog, and the list goes on.

Jackie W.

Healing my body has paved the way for what feels like a miracle, not only physically, but emotionally and spiritually. I feel as though a massive weight has been lifted.

It hasn’t been easy, but throughout all the ups & downs and life challenges along the way, this program provides the critical information and support to get me through it.

I feel as though a massive weight has been lifted. Healing my body has paved the way for what feels like a miracle, not only physically, but emotionally and spiritually.

Everything is clearer. I understand myself and my body in a whole new way.

I want others to know there’s a way out of the suffering.

When you understand your body and what it needs, you can heal. I’m finally stepping into a new chapter of my life and for the first time in a long time, I’m excited and ready.

Sandy B.

My healing journey is unique to me yet many can relate. Some highlights are restless leg syndrome -gone, nerve pain in hands -gone, also gone are vertigo, arthritis, and a chronic skin condition to name a few..”

You know the saying….”if I had a dollar for every time…”.

For me it was every time someone judged me for being sick, then it was for the healing journey I chose. My healing journey with this program brought a lot of criticism from friends and family.

Many felt my quality of life diminished because I changed the things I ate including not eating out at restaurants.

My morning routine was not satisfactory to others as that’s when I prepared my food for the day, Many felt it was way too time consuming, I took to many supplements, etc.

The reality is my quality of life is the best it’s ever been. Now I enjoy the things I used to enjoy like cooking, dancing, playing with my kids.

I have the mental capacity to do these things and enjoy them, which I didn’t before.

I learned how to be my own detective and understand my body’s cues as to what I need. I was able to get off some of my medications which was an unexpected blessing.

If you’re on the fence about this program, let this be your sign that it’s time to step into the Light – no more darkness.!”

Danielle P.

I suffered from severe eczema all my life.. I was bullied at school.

It was so bad, that I didn't want to go out in public. I was even uncomfortable with my family and friends! I was so self-conscious I just wanted to hide in a cave.

I’d went to a million doctors and tried everything. My mom wanted me to try Wellness Warrior Institute.

I didn’t want to. I was sure it would be the same old story.

I finally decided to “just see” and at least talk to them. I’m glad I did. It has taken a long time but my eczema is barely noticeable and improving.

I’m confident as a person again and even enjoy having a social life..

London P.